News 2015


Congratulations to our lovely brown beauty with the first anniversary!

31.12.2015 Our  SANT KREAL PRELEST` 1 year old!

Thank you Elena Kruglova for my beauty, for my favorite girl Lesya!


New photos A-litter Via Felicium from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi,  at the age 39 days

More information and photos in the section puppies


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



New photos A-litter Via Felicium from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi,  at the age 33 days

More information and photos in the section puppies


On puppies pages A-litter Via Felicium from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi added videos at the age 1 month:

Red male

Blue male

Green male

Light green male

Peach female

Violet female

Without-ribbon female


New photos A-litter Via Felicium from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi,  at the age 29 days

More information and photos in the section puppies


International dog show in St.Petersburg Teraline Orleit— open class winner, CAC

Congratulations Teraline Orleit with the closing title CHAMPION OF RUSSIA


New photos A-litter Via Felicium from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi,  at the age 24 days

More information and photos in the section puppies


First photos of our puppies standing A-litter Via Felicium from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi,  at the age 20 days

More information in the section puppies


Added new pictures of puppies A-litter Via Felicium at the age 11 days

More information in the section puppies



Added the first pictures of puppies A-litter Via Felicium at the age 3 days

More information in the section puppies



Were born A-litter from Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi

All puppies are black&tan: 4 males, 3 females.

Some puppies avalible for reservation.

More information in the section puppies

Via Felicium A-litter


National Dog Show (CAC) in St.Petersburg, judge U.Eisner (Austria)

Teraline Orleit 1ex., Class Winner, JCAC, Best Junior.

National Dog Show (CAC) in St.Petersburg, judge T.Raschihmarova

Teraline Orleit 1ex., Class Winner, JCAC, Best Junior, BOS

Congratulations Teraline Orleit with the closing title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA and confirmation of title Junior Champion of Lithuania!

Orleit (12)


mated Tahi-Reme Kaylie & Troy del Nasi. More information in the section puppies
